Hydroponic History

A Lesson In Hydroponic History

Hydroponic gardening enjoyed a very powerful but brief stint of popularity in the 1970s. It seemed that hydroponics would soon take over the more conventional forms of farming and become our primary source of food in what we nervously referred to as "The Future."

Now that "The Future" is here, what happened to all of our hydroponic gardens? It was predicted in the 1980s that all of our food would be grown hydroponically by now, yet it's still a challenge to find even one hydroponic farm in a traditional agricultural setting. So what happened?

Stories And Examples

Hydroponic history actually extends much further back than the 1970s. In fact, hydroponic history studies tell us that the famed Hanging Gardens of Babylon (dating all the way back to 600 B.C.E.) may have been the first successful hydroponic gardening story.

There is a very interesting story in the hydroponic history books that tells about the Central American Aztecs in the 11th century. This hydroponic history story tells us that the Aztecs lived in an area where there was no land to grow crops. Rather than starve, the Aztecs improvised a hydroponic solution. They wove rafts out of reeds and other plant material, then placed soil from the bottom of a lake and placed it on the rafts. The rafts were left to float on the river, and plants were rooted in the soil. When the plants grew, their roots penetrated through to the lake below.

Many centuries later, an American scientist named William F. Gericke became the father of modern hydroponics, even inventing the term "hydroponic" itself. It was the 1930s and the first time that the general public really got excited about the possibilities of hydroponic growing. While Gericke's advancements did go down in hydroponic history, his method didn't gain a mainstream following.

During WWII, American and British armed forces took up the cause of hydroponic farming to feed soldiers who might otherwise have not had access to fresh produce. This interesting bit of hydroponic history is all but lost amid other tales of the war, but many soldiers had hydroponic farming to thank for their health during this time.

Later, the 1970s brought about a renewed interest in environmental causes and healthy foods, two things that are now associated with hydroponic farming. If hydroponic history had taught us anything by this time, it was that this growing method could be extremely successful if applied in a sensible way. Unfortunately, hydroponics again failed to gain a successful mainstream following.

Recently, worries of global warming and soil exhaustion have driven farmers, casual gardeners, and many others to examine the possibility of hydroponics again. Although we can't say what the future will bring, we can tell from these hydroponic history stories that a soil-less farming future is definitely within our grasp if we should choose to explore it.

Used Hydroponic Equipment

Cut The Cost Of Hydroponic Gardening With Used Hydroponic Equipment

Hydroponic gardening is currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity, the likes of which gardeners haven't seen since the introduction of this fun and space-friendly form of gardening. If you've always wanted to try it but don't think you can afford all of the specialized equipment, there may be help for you.

You're Not Alone

Many hydroponic supplies companies are now selling used hydroponic equipment along with their new stock. They may sell on consignment, or they may buy used hydroponic equipment from other sources to sell back to you, the beginning hydroponic gardener.

Additionally, there are plenty of agricultural supply companies jumping on the hydroponics bandwagon. They sell used hydroponic equipment from time to time, though most won't carry new equipment because it's not their main source of business. If hydroponic gardening seems intimidating or too expensive, take heart. Once you get started and your new plants are sprouting and thriving, all of your hard work will be well worth it.

If you'd rather buy directly from a person, you can find used hydroponic equipment advertised in the newspaper, on online gardening forums, and even on some online classified ad sites. The used hydroponic equipment is usually sold for just a fraction of its original cost, and since individuals can sell for a lower price than companies, this is often the most cost-effective way to get your used hydroponic equipment.

What Type of Equipment Will I Need?

When you get started in hydroponics, you'll need a few basic pieces of used hydroponic equipment. The most basic of these needs are a light source and a grow box or other containers for your plants, such as buckets. You'll also need supplies, like nutrient mix and seeds or starter plants. There are many other pieces of used hydroponic equipment that you will need and/or want down the line, but these are the things that you positively can not grow without.

Some equipment which you might need in the beginning (or might not, depending on your particular setup) is an enclosure such as a greenhouse and a fitted irrigation system. These pieces of equipment can be improvised or done away with altogether, depending on how and where you intend to grow.

The cost to get started in hydroponic gardening varies greatly. If you are buying used hydroponic equipment instead of new, the cost will obviously be lessened significantly. Additionally, the type of plants you plan to grow, your growing space, and your choice of growing media will all affect your initial expenditure.

Tabletop Hydroponic Garden

The Tabletop Hydroponic Garden

A hydroponic system is the technique to grow plants without using soil. In this technique, nutrient rich water solution is used to feed the plants. A tabletop hydroponic garden is nothing but a miniature form of greenhouse. Needless to say, it is an excellent beauty object to enhance the look and feel of an interior. While making a tabletop hydroponic garden, you can grow fresh vegetables, flowers, herbs, fruits and plants. Typically, the design of the tabletop hydroponic garden is so methodical and stylish that augments the entire beauty of the room.

Necessary Components

In the tabletop hydroponic garden, a planting bed is installed. This can be of any size which is suitable to place according to your convenience. The plants of tabletop hydroponic gardens grow in the growing medium, which is an inert pH balanced solution helpful for providing the necessary odorless support to the plants, especially the roots. This growing medium can preserve moisture with an outstanding capacity. The entire planting system along with the growing system is covered with the help of a transparent and well-vented greenhouse cover.

Moreover, typically a 600ml reservoir bottle is installed in the tabletop hydroponic garden. This aids in automated dispensing of the nutrient solution. When you buy the tabletop hydroponic garden system, you will be supplied nutrient balanced formula specifically formulated for hydroponic system. This is an essential ingredient for the healthy growth of the plants. This formulation contains all the necessary trace elements and minerals in their most untainted form, which is easily soluble in the water.

Selecting the Plants

Although hydroponic plants are healthier than traditionally grown plants, not all plants can be cultivated using hydroponic systems. The same is true when you are using a tabletop hydroponic garden. A wide numbers of people actually prefer to grow flowers in their tabletop hydroponic gardens. If you want to do the same, you may try to cultivate asters, forget-me-nots, California poppies, chrysanthemums, dwarf zinnias, ageratum, candy tuft, and dianthus. Otherwise, if you are interested to grow herbs, fruits or vegetables, you may plow chives, dill, sage, fennel, thyme, parsley, tarragon, rosemary, sweet basil, chili peppers, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots and strawberries

Fundamental Environmental Factors

Similar to any other hydroponic system, the tabletop hydroponic garden depends on fundamental environmental factors like water solution pH balanced nutrition, appropriate light in addition to sunlight, humidity, and temperature. Typically it should be placed in light for 10 to 18 hours a day. The ideal temperature must vary between 65°F and 76°F. A certain amount of humidity is very essential for healthy growth and development of the seedlings. Additionally, general care is also important such as pinching off and discarding all the dead leaves, removing any sort of fallen leaves as well as debris from the planting bed.

PVC Piping in the Hydroponic Garden

Know The Fundaments Of PVC Piping in the Hydroponic Garden Before Installing

The use of PVC piping in the hydroponic garden facilitates the rapid cropping system in a unique and effective manner. Since PVC piping is very cost effective and hard-wearing, it is an excellent means to deliver nutrients to the plants, shelved in the baskets. These obtrude in the PVC piping used in the hydroponic garden depends on the type of the crops. Either four or six inches diameter-sized PVC piping in the hydroponic garden can be used, depending on the type of the crop and budget limit.

Difference Between Four And Six Sized Piping

The size of the PVC piping used in the hydroponic garden varies based on their nutrition insertion techniques. Four inch PVC piping takes up an individual source injector placed at the end point of the drain fitting, due to its shorter length. This confirms the nutrient circulation is optimum without any possibilities of stagnation. On the other hand, six inch PVC piping used in the hydroponic garden takes up an inner length measuring up to ½' diameter, which sprints the overall piping length. This system enables a profuse of excessively oxygenated nutrient supply.

Planning The Piping System

The look and feel of the system largely depends on the way you have installed PVC piping in the hydroponic garden. Necessarily, it needs to be set in such a fashion that customization becomes easy. For the growth compartment, you may either use four or six inches of PVC piping depending on the specific needs. In most of the cases, people prefer to choose the four inch system for their indoor plants, since these plants mostly do not have large roots. However, if you plan to grow outside, some plants may even become as lengthy as 10 feet or more. So, consider 6 inches there.

Life Cycle And Approximate Budget

Although the price varies depending on the stores and brands, a general overview is given regarding the life cycle and approximate budget for installing PVC piping in the hydroponic garden. The typical lifespan of a four inch diameter PVC piping is around 4 months or less and it is extensively used for indoor purpose. Its overall length is less than 36 feet in size. The approximate budget for using PVC piping the hydroponic garden is less than USD 150.

On the other hand, the budget usually varies between USD 150 and USD 300 for the PVC piping used for outdoor purpose. The lifespan is also higher compared to that of four inches PVC piping. While each foot of four inches PVC piping has the capacity to hold 0.33 gallons of water, each foot of six inches PVC piping holds nearly one gallon of water. Buy as per your requirement fits.

Multi Flow Hydroponic System

Creating A Multi Flow Hydroponic System

Hydroponics is a technology for growing plants in nutrient solutions with or without the use of artificial medium. Artificial medium would include things such as sand, gravel, vermiculite, peat, coir, and sawdust to name a few. In other words, you don’t need soil in order to grow many kinds of plants. Foods that are grown hydroponically are more nutritious and not full of chemicals and byproducts. Of all the issues that have to do with hydroponic growing, the multi flow hydroponic system is one of the most important.

Greentrees Hydroponics Company

One of the best options when it comes to a multi flow hydroponic system is the one offered by the Greentrees Hydroponics Company. This is basically an ebb and flow type hydroponic system that uses gravity as its major source of moving water through the system.

The main part of this system is a controller unit assembly, and this consists of a 3.5 gallon container and it also has a timer and relay box that is mounted on the side. There are two gallon pots that are used in this multi flow hydroponic system and the two gallon growing containers actually sit inside of the other two gallon pots which serve as the watering cells. That sounds really cool, huh?

Hydroponics Wholesale Company

Anyone who is interested in buying their own multi flow hydroponic system should know that there are a few companies in particular that they should go to check out. One is the Hydroponics Wholesale Company, which features one multi flow hydroponic system in particular that is a best seller.

Moving parts from one bucket to another with this system is very easy and all that the person needs to pull out the inner pot and set it at a new site. All of the multi flow hydroponic systems offered by this company come with a built in timer, 55 gallon reservoir, level controller, 24 pots, tubing, pump, and the original multi flow hydroponic system itself.

There are many other great companies as well that one can go to if they are looking to purchase multi flow hydroponic systems, but those mentioned here are definitely two of the very best. It is important when shopping for an item such as a hydroponic system to take time and put serious consideration in because this is a very important item and one that most likely will come with a hefty price tag.

Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening Indoors

A Basic Overview On Hydroponic Vegetable Gardening – Indoors And Outdoors

In simple words, hydroponic gardening implies a garden where plants are cultivated in water. In other words, hydroponic gardening refers to a garden where no soil is necessary for the cultivation of plants. If you have planned to do hydroponic vegetable gardening indoors, you can be rest assured that you can employ the hydroponic technique to a wide variety of plants. No matter where you have set your arrangement, outdoors or indoors, hydroponic vegetable gardening promises you high quality product in much lesser cultivation time.

Benefits Over Traditional Gardening

There are several benefits of hydroponic vegetable gardening, both indoors and outdoors. Although the entire technique stands on water-based nutrition supply, the requirement of water is much lesser in hydroponic vegetable gardening, both indoors and outdoors. Additionally, when you do not have sufficient fertile land for cultivation, this technique is ideally fit to meet your needs. Hydroponic vegetable gardening indoors facilitates the growers and enthusiasts to grow vegetables like tomatoes and carrots inside their room, which is virtually impossible in traditional systems.

Reason To Choose This System

You do not need to weed or dig. You can do it wherever you want. Only a limited amount of pesticides are used. Virtually, hydroponic plants are at lesser risk for any sort of diseases. When you will be gardening hydroponic vegetables indoors or outdoors, you will be surprised to see the higher quality and health of those plants, compared to those one cultivated using a traditional system. Since the entire system is independent of soil and you are able to control the temperature and humidity of the system, you can use it to cultivate your vegetables throughout the year.

The Essential Requirements

No matter what outdoors or indoors, hydroponic vegetable gardening requires skill and knowledge. At the initial phases, it is always advised to take suggestion from the professionals or standard guidebooks. The essential requirements for hydroponic vegetable gardening, both indoors and outdoors are water, air, nutrient supply and sunlight. However, for indoor hydroponic vegetable gardening, you need to install few different light sources such as metal halide lamps, Gro-lights, sunlight coming from a south facing door or window, luminescent light bulbs, sodium vapor lamp, or fluorescent lights.

About Nutrient Solutions

Both outdoors and indoors hydroponic vegetable gardening needs a fertilizer or solution which is particularly formulated for using in the hydroponic system. This solution used in hydroponic system is not the same as used in traditional soiling system. The ready-made nutrient solution is available in the local organic or hydroponic gardening supply stores. You can also buy it online via different online hydroponic gardening stores as well.

Hydroponic Tomatoes

Growing Hydroponic Tomatoes

We all know how valuable tomatoes are in our regular recipes. Dating back to the Inca civilization, tomatoes were treated with great importance. This is why it is considered as one of the most authentic aboriginal crops in America. The University of Arizona's research and development program on hydroponic tomatoes started during 1960s. In this article, we will shed light on the fundamentals of growing hydroponic tomatoes as adopted from University of Arizona reports.

Environmental Control System

Photosynthesis is the leading factor of optimum growth and high level of production. It is so vital to the overall production, that only one percent of decline in the light can lead to one percent decline in the production. If the degree of photosynthesis is declined as a result of cloudy weather, it may result in pale tomato leaves low in sugary content. However, when a hydroponic growing system is used in the greenhouse environment, an additional source of artificial light is supplemented to complement the requirement of light used in the photosynthesis process.


The lights available both day and night influence the plant vitality, size of the leaf, expansion rate of the leaf, as well as fruit development time. When the plant is subject to low temperatures at night, the growth rate of the plant is declined along with a reduced leaf size. Hence, the temperature needs to be closely monitored and maintained at an optimum level, which is virtually impossible in traditional setups. However, for the production of hydroponic tomatoes it can be set 70° to 79°F for the day time and 61° to 65° for night time throughout the year.


A wide variety of tomatoes are developed for the purpose of hydroponic production. All of these hydroponic tomatoes have indefinite morphology, which means the vegetative growth rate of these tomato plants is not limited to its flowering. Apollo, Dombito, Belmondo, Trend, Caruso, Perfecto, Trust and Lama are few varieties of hydroponic tomatoes. The seeds of hydroponic tomatoes are quite costly. This influences some newcomers to consider developing seeds from the adult plants; however, those successive plants may not necessarily inherit these qualities.

Propagation Media

The propagation media needs to be carefully infused before sowing of the seeds in order to ensure consistent and homogeneous sharing of moisturizer. Tomato seeds are to be sown by keeping a gap of ¼ to 3/8 inches. Seeding can be done in an inert medium like rockwool blocks, which are available in a wide variety of sizes. Overhead watering is the fundamental requirement for germination of seeds. Under any circumstances, the temperature during irrigation should be set at 64°F and the span of available light per day should be around 14 hours to 18 hours.

Hydroponic Systems

The Basics In Types Of Hydroponic Systems

Most gardeners and crop growers have at least heard of hydroponics. If you want to learn more about it yourself, you should know that there are at least four categories of hydroponic systems. The different systems are water culture, wick, drip, and also a nutrient film technique. While these are the basic systems, you should know that you will likely see multiple variations a hundred times over.

Water Culture

If you are just getting your feet wet in terms of learning hydroponic systems, try the water culture method first as it is the easiest method. You have a tank or storage area filled with the mineral and nutrient liquid solution in which the plants are floating in on a Styrofoam platform. An air pump aerates the water of this holding tank and the bubbles provide a way to bubble up not only the oxygen needed in the roots but also the nutrient solution as well. While this is the easiest system, especially for teaching, it is not conducive to large scale growth projects.

Wick Method

The wick method of hydroponic systems is fairly easy to operate as well and is known as a passive technique in which to keep your plants watered with the proper nutrients. You have a growing tray with a medium like pea gravel which is situated over a holding tank containing the liquid nutrient solution. There are wicks which go from the holding tank to the growth medium to carry the needed water and nutrient solution in a steady manner.

Drip System

With drip hydroponic systems, you again have your plant growth tray with the medium and plants in it and then suspended over the holding tank with the liquid nutrients. There is a submersible pump in the holding tank running on a timer which kicks on at various intervals to drip a nutrient solution at the base of the plants. Excess nutrient liquid runs off and back into the holding tank for recycling and an air pump is still needed for aeration.

Nutrient Film

Hydroponic systems which use the nutrient film method are very similar to the drip method except that the solution is dripped in the bottom of the plant growth tray instead of at each plant base. The flow is constant with no timer and a submersible pump is needed to keep up the constant flow with a drain for excess liquid to go back into the holding tank.

There are several other hydroponic systems that are in use today like the aeroponic and ebb and flow techniques. Each of the hydroponic methods used have their pros and cons. If you are just starting out yourself or you are trying to teach a child, the water culture or drip method is the best option.

Hydroponic Strawberries

Where To Buy Hydroponic Strawberries

As hydroponic strawberries are getting to be more in demand, there are a few pieces of information about strawberries that are hydroponically grown which any potential buyer should be aware of. For one, strawberries that are grown from seed will usually take at least a couple of years to mature but this is not always the ideal situation for hydroponic growers.

For Growers

The best way for hydroponic growers to grow strawberries is for them to determine which particular hydroponic growing method is going to be suitable for their specific location and number of plants. It is also important to carefully remove any runners or new strawberry plants from containers and remove as much of the earth as they can by gently shaking and massaging around at the roots.

There are many advantages to food that has been grown hydroponically, and hydroponic strawberries are especially popular. There are many great companies that offer hydroponic strawberries, a few in particular which will be discussed in more detail here.

Where To Look

One of the best companies that offer hydroponic strawberries is the Horizon Hydroponics Company. They are actually recognized as being the Internet’s premier provider of hydroponic and indoor gardening supplies and besides hydroponic strawberries they also offer plant grow lights, hydroponic systems, fertilizer, grow medium, plant propagation, environmental control product, and a variety of used equipment.

Simply Hydro is another company that offers hydroponic strawberries and they offer them at very low prices. They not only offer strawberries but a wealth of other hydroponically grown fruits and vegetables as well, and this is great because it gives everyone a wide selection regardless of their particular food preferences.

Get More Information

One of the best tips toy can take is to take advantage of all the different resources that are available. When it comes to getting information of any sort the Internet is always one of the best options. With the Internet a person is able to browse through literally hundreds of different websites in a matter of minutes and find the information that they need quickly and easily.

Simply go into any search engine on the Internet and type in the appropriate wording and then the corresponding answers will come up. This is a great way to get information and is extremely convenient as well. With the Internet, a person does not even need to leave the comfort of their own home and this, of course, is a great thing.

Hydroponic Retail Store

Inside A Hydroponic Retail Store

A hydroponic retail store sells a variety of products used in hydroponic cultivation at retail prices. These range from technological components required to set up a hydroponic greenhouse to backup power sources (batteries and generators) and informative materials like books and magazines dealing with the science of hydroponic cultivation. In addition, a hydroponic retail store also stocks gadgets and accessories that are required for the efficient maintenance of hydroponic systems. Following are the main kinds of products and facilities available at a typical hydroponic retail store.

Growing Systems

The essential and major sale items of all hydroponic retail stores are hydroponic systems. These include the structure of the hydroponic greenhouse (the planters) along with components required to connect it with sources of supplying nutrition (reservoirs, pumps etc.) and other accessories. The price of a particular system varies according to its size, material, and the number and quality of its accessories.

Lighting Sources

Artificial lighting is a vital component of hydroponic production. Every hydroponic retail store has a variety of lighting sources like High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps, conversion bulbs, and fluorescent lamps. Also available are components that are used in directing and controlling artificial light incident on the hydroponic plants, e.g. light reflectors, hoods, and light cooling kits.

Hydroponic Nutrients

One thing that a hydroponic cultivator will repeatedly need to get from a hydroponic retail store is one or more kinds of hydroponic nutrients that provide nitrogen and other vital elements to plants. Most of the hydroponic nutrients are in the form of liquid solutions.

The general hydroponic nutrients available at retail stores can be used by all horticulturalists to enrich the quality of their production. In addition, hydroponic retail stores provide beneficial microbes that increase productivity by preventing roots from rotting and enhancing root mass.

Pest Controls

Hydroponic plants are not entirely free of diseases and pests, and hydroponic retail stores sell specially prepared pest-controlling formulas, mostly sold as non-toxic sprays. Natural pesticides comprising biodegradable substances are also available for preventing hydroponic plants from rotting.

Informative Material

A number of hydroponic retail stores sell magazines and books that provide useful information on the techniques of growing hydroponic plants, news about progress in hydroponics, reviews of useful hydroponic products, and tips on better hydroponic production.

Some hydroponic retails stores also offer online sales of products and information about various issues related to hydroponic cultivation. They have an FAQ section that answers commonly asked questions of customers and a person who needs guidance on basic hydroponic matters can consult this information at any online hydroponic retail store.

Hydroponic Potatoes

Get Started Growing Hydroponic Potatoes In Your Home

In the world of hydroponic gardening, root vegetables are known to be a challenge. Hydroponic potatoes seem like the best idea ever, but once you start growing them you might find it to be a little more difficult than you expected. While it is possible to grow hydroponic potatoes in a special water solution, this is a more advanced setup that will probably be beyond the scope of the beginner. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make the process easier and more successful.

No Special Equipment Needed

Hydroponic gardening pioneers have used all sorts of media for growing hydroponic potatoes. Straw is one of the earliest types of medium used, but with the advancement of hydroponic technology the trend has shifted toward using sand, wood chips, or perlite. These media are particularly effective for growing hydroponic potatoes and other tubers because of tubers' need for low moisture and low nitrogen.

If you would like to get started growing hydroponic potatoes without a complicated hydroponic garden setup or a lot of specialized equipment, it's very simple to do. Your first step will be to obtain a few "seed" potatoes. While you can grow hydroponic potatoes from the eyes of potatoes you buy in the grocery store, these potatoes are often engineered to not bear any new potatoes.

Once you have your seed potatoes, cut each in half and leave them out on a plate to dry for about a week. When your seed potatoes are dried out, plant them about 2-3 inches down in the growing media. Your hydroponic potatoes will begin to sprout within a few days.

As your new hydroponic potatoes grow, it's important to keep the base of the plants and any new potatoes in the dark. Covering the entire vine with straw is a cheap and easy way to achieve this. The other important point to remember is that growing potatoes like to stay cool. If you allow your hydroponic potatoes setup to exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit at any time, they will not produce new potatoes.

When your hydroponic potatoes are producing a crop, harvesting is very simple. Just reach into the growing medium and feel around for the largest potato. Pluck this one from the vine, and continue picking the biggest potato whenever you need one. This ensures that the other potatoes have plenty of room to grow.

Potatoes in general are a somewhat fickle plant, and your plants may or may not continue to reproduce. If not, don't worry – simply try again with new root potatoes. Experimenting with different growing media may help your hydroponic potatoes grow faster and produce more.

Hydroponic Plants

A Brief Overview On Hydroponic Plants

The quality of hydroponic plants is quite higher than in plants produced using traditional systems. Moreover, the required cropping time is much less for hydroponic plants compared to that of traditionally grown plants. However, not all plants can be grown following hydroponic system. The plants which can be grown using hydroponic system are chives, dill, sage, fennel, thyme, parsley, tarragon, rosemary, sweet basil, chili peppers, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, asters, forget-me-nots, California poppies, chrysanthemums, dwarf zinnias, ageratum, candy tuft, and dianthus.


In order to grow healthily, plants need adequate amount of minerals as well as trace elements in appropriate proportions, no matter where they are growing, whether it is a soil based production or hydroponic system. Hydroponic plants get the facility to obtain much higher levels of nutritional benefit. For hydroponic plants, since water delivers the nutrient mix to the plants, the maximum possible delivery of the nutrients can be ensured. Additionally, the accurate measurement of nutrient supplies can be established for hydroponic plants. This helps in eliminating or preventing undesired nutrient compounds.


The hydroponic plants use the light energy available within the hydroponic system in order to grow, to stay healthy and to reproduce. You can place your hydroponic system anywhere and allow it to receive profuse sunlight. However, during summertime, it is better to avoid placing the hydroponic plants directly under the sunlight.

Additionally, almost all the hydroponic systems use artificial light systems, which promote growth. In order to have an automated lighting system for your hydroponic plants, you may suspend one or more fluorescent lights or install lights over the head of the hydroponic plants (but keep a safe distance of at least one foot over them). You may also connect the lighting system to a timer, giving 10-18 hours of light per day.

Humidity And Temperature

Humidity is an essential component of the development of seedlings. This is why the humid tropical zones of the world are so rich with vegetation. When you care to grow hydroponic plants, you must design the environment of the hydroponic system in such a fashion that it is able to preserve certain amount of humidity inside the system. The temperature of an ideal hydroponic system may vary between 65°F and 76°F. Additionally, it needs to set up in such a manner that the nighttime temperature must not go above the daytime temperature. Perfect temperature and humidity conditions help the plants to grow strong and healthy.

Hydroponic Nutrients

Hydroponic Nutrients Grow Excellent Plants

Hydroponic nutrients are available for growing excellent plants without the soil used by ordinary plants. This method has been used for growing plants for some time, and it is now possible to grow plants in a small apartment because of the great hydroponic nutrients that are available. There are many brilliant scientists who study the growth of plants for better harvests both large and small. Scientists study the best methods for growing acres of plants with soil and proper nutrients, and some scientists study the growth of plants with hydroponic nutrients. The use of these hydroponic nutrients constantly improves because of the information gathered by these experts.

Ordinary plants are grown using soil combined with appropriate nutrients, but hydroponic nutrients make it possible to grow plants without the usual soil. Researchers have studied the necessities and processes for growing plants for a very long time. In ordinary plants, the soil is used to hold the nutrients necessary for the growth of the plants. The soil is only necessary as a receptacle to hold the nutrients. Hydroponic nutrients dissolve in water so the roots of plants can absorb them like they do with the nutrients captured in soil.

Hydroponic Nutrients Can Feed Many Plant Types

Hydroponic nutrients can be used to grow many different types of plants in very ordinary containers or jars. This makes it possible to grow these plants in confined spaces such as a small balcony in an apartment or a bathroom shelf. Some scientists have developed methods to use hydroponic nutrients to grow commercial amounts of plants. These systems are used to grow tomatoes, peppers and other crops. These commercial crops are grown with different combinations of hydroponic nutrients.

Saving water is one of the great advantages of using hydroponic nutrients. Water can be scarce in some areas of the world, yet the population in these areas needs to have food to survive. Crops grown with these special nutrients save the growers incredible amounts of water which saves the growers money. There is some evidence that vegetables grown with these nutrients retain more nutritional value than the same vegetable grown in ordinary circumstances. There are several advantages to hydroponic growing including the absence of weeds and some common plant diseases. These plants can also be grown without the use of pesticides which makes them better for the consumer. The use of these nutrients has shown great promise so growers will probably continue to increase the use of these nutrients.

Hydroponic Lighting

Types Of Artificial Hydroponic Lighting

Light is the source of energy used by plants for making their food (via photosynthesis), growing, and producing flowers, fruit, and seeds. The primary source of light for all plants is the sun. However, artificial lighting is often needed for providing energy to plants grown on a small scale, like those in hydroponic gardens.

There are various types of artificial hydroponic lighting that is used by small-scale hydroponic cultivators for nurturing their plants. More important of these lighting types include high intensity discharge lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, conversion bulbs, and fluorescent lighting.

High Intensity Discharge Lamps

High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps produce a greater amount of light than standard halogen bulbs. They are of three main kinds: mercury vapor lamps, metal halide (MH) lamps, and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. MH and HPS lamps are the preferred kinds of artificial hydroponic lighting because they are spectrum selective.

Spectrum selective means that they emit light in a range of wavelengths that support optimum growth and production of hydroponic plants. When natural sunlight is absent, or very little of it is available, MH lamps are the best source of artificial light for plants. HPS lamps are more useful when used as an adjunct to natural sunlight.

Conversion Bulbs

Conversion bulbs are more specialized sources of hydroponic lighting since the intensity of their output can be adjusted by changing lamps, according to the growth-dependent needs of plants. These bulbs are designed in such a way that they run off one kind of ballast and emit light spectrum of another kind.

Thus, there are high-pressure sodium conversion (HPSC) bulbs that burn in a metal halide ballast, and metal halide conversion (MHC) bulbs that burn in an HPS ballast. The metal halide conversion bulb mostly emits blue light, used in the growing stages of hydroponic plants while the red light emitted by HPS conversion bulbs is useful in the later stages of fruiting and flowering.

Fluorescent Lamps

Fluorescent lamps are another kind of artificial hydroponic lighting that is particularly useful in the initial stages of growing plants hydroponically, i.e. in the early stages of sprouting seedlings and developing roots. Fluorescent lamps produce a little amount of light and are usually placed close to hydroponic plants.

The main advantages of using florescent lamps include their lower cost, efficiency in energy conservation, and low production (and hence low dissipation) of heat. However, compared with the HID lamps, fluorescent lamps are not a very effective source of artificial hydroponic lighting.

Hydroponic Kits

Ease Into Hydroponics With Hydroponic Kits

When it comes to a new growth technique for the amateur gardener, it always pays to start off small and work your way up as you go along. This principle applies to hydroponics, the method by which plants are grown without soil. Hydroponic kits are the best way to get your feet wet and decide if this new growth method is right for you.

Choosing The Right Kit

Before you can choose from the many hydroponic kits on the market today, you should decide which hydroponic system is best for your beginning needs. For the most part, the water culture and the wick method are the easiest to understand and set-up, particularly on a small scale. However, you are just as likely to find uncomplicated ebb and flow or nutrient film kit options as well.

Price may well be a deciding factor and both the system as well as the size will dictate how much the hydroponic kits will cost. Simple kits will start near $100 and climb up to hundreds of dollars based on the amount of extra equipment as well as the number of plants you plan to cultivate at one time.

One of the most popular types of hydroponic kits involves growing different types of herbs in a deep water culture hydroponic environment. Herbs are among the easiest to grow hydroponically because they are hardy and recover well should you over or under-water them. Plus, when you are successful with your first hydroponic herbs, you can use them right away in cooking and other uses.

You may decide you want to try your hand at growing vegetables that grow on a vine like beans, squash or tomatoes. In this instance, the hydroponic kits you want to look for should have a plastic rack to allow for plant vine growth and climbing. The nutrient film technique is the most popular system to use when it comes to growing these types of plants.

Gaining Experience

You may end up trying several hydroponic kits, experimenting with different systems such as the drip, ebb and flow or nutrient film technique before finding one that you are most comfortable with. However, once you do, you can start to branch out beyond the pre-made hydroponic kits and start adding on to your existing system. This is what budding hydroponic gardeners end up doing once they understand the process along with the nuances of proper water control, temperature, lighting and more.

Hydroponic Herb Garden

A Hydroponic Herb Garden Fits The Bill

There is nothing quite so refreshing as a crisp green salad with fresh vegetables straight from the garden. Fresh herbs to flavor the family dinner are a goal for all great cooks. Fresh herbs and vegetables can be grown in the family garden during the summer, but these wonderful ingredients can also be grown in the family home during the winter. A hydroponic herb garden can yield some wonderful ingredients for the family feasts and brilliant experts have designed tools to grow these ingredients inside without the soil of the family garden.

A hydroponic herb garden can be grown with the techniques of these brilliant scientists in extra space on the kitchen counter or the family basement. Herbs and other plants are usually grown in the soil, but this soil is really just a place to put the necessary nutrients. If the herbs and other plants can get these nutrients without the soil, they will grow. Some of the plants grown with hydroponic techniques will grow faster and stronger than the plants grown with traditional techniques. The techniques developed for hydroponic growing can help individuals grow a hydroponic herb garden that will yield these wonderful ingredients for use in preparing meals.

A Hydroponic Herb Garden Can Be Ready Through The Year

The good news about a hydroponic herb garden is that it can be ready in the dead of winter or the sunshine of the summer months. The tools prepared for a hydroponic herb garden can be placed in any available space. A gardener does not have to get down on their knees in the dirt to grow a hydroponic herb garden. There are no weeds that need to be pulled from a hydroponic herb garden and pesticides are not necessary to grow wonderful plants. There are many possibilities for the contents of a hydroponic herb garden.

Fresh basil sprinkled on a leg of lamb or some fresh oregano on a favorite dish can be grown and cooked in the same kitchen by the same person. Experts have designed the tools for hydroponic growing, but they have provided tools that anyone can easily use. School children can grow a great herb garden in their classroom after reading and following some simple directions. Those people who would like to grow an herb garden can find ready made units that will be appropriate for use at home. These units can be small enough to grow a few plants on the kitchen table or larger units that will accommodate many plants.

Hydroponic Growing System

Hydroponic Growing System: A Unique Home Garden

Hydroponic growing systems run fantastically if they are placed in a well-lighted location, either outdoors or indoors. You can place your unique garden over a bench, table or any other heights, which will allow the system to drain the water to another location in regular intervals, say once in a month. Once you know the skills to maintain your home garden, you become the owner of a whole herd of healthy and lively fast-maturing plants.

As we know, a hydroponic growing system is much more efficient compared to the traditional soil growing system. Since a hydroponic growing system gives the gardeners the flexibility of taking a great control over all the influential factors essential for healthy growth of the plants, it offers more benefits over the traditional system, which is inevitable dependent on various environmental factors like life cycle and availability of soil nutrients.

Benefits Of Water Absorption

In the hydroponic growing system, plants absorb nutrients from water-based solutions. Hence, it is virtually impossible to feed the plants more than it can actually handle since the roots can not absorb after saturation point. However, the condition is significantly different when it comes about feeding from soil nutrients; since odds are there that soil may damage the root due to water clogging. Still, be careful while mixing the solution, so that excessively concentrated hydroponic solution that may damage the roots does not occur.

Higher Level Of Productivity

A hydroponic growing system is much more productive compared to the traditional growing system. Not only for plants, but for you also the system is proven to be productive, since it occupies much lesser time and labor. Since the nutrients are water soluble, it is easily available to the roots of the plants. On the other hand, since the nutrients mix so easily, you do not need to waste your time and energy by spreading the nutrients in the soil or looking for soil rich in nutrients. You do not need to invest your time in weeding or digging as well.

More Environmentally Friendly

Cultivating with the help of hydroponic growing system is more environmentally friendly, since almost all the time fertilizers are reused within this system and there is no specific need for pesticide or other chemical weed killers. This certainly offers beneficial support to the environment by minimizing the risk of chemical residue. This is why hydroponic plants are much healthier than traditionally grown plants and they are richer with essential vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients.

Hydroponic Growing

Hydroponic Growing Produces Marvelous Plants

Water is expensive, scarce and necessary for growing most of the crops that are needed to feed the world. Fortunately, there is a method for growing crops that does not need as much water, soil or pesticides. Hydroponic growing is very promising because plants can be grown using this method using much less water. Many fruits and vegetables are not completely healthy for people because some of these are grown using pesticides. Hydroponic growing is so desirable because dangerous pesticides are not necessary for successful crops. Plants need nutrients. They do not need soil except to hold the nutrients necessary for the growth of a plant.

Hydroponic growing is not new, but it is increasing in popularity. Scientists have studied the use of hydroponic growing, and their work has improved the use of this method for larger crops than in the past. Hydroponic growing uses the nutrients necessary for the growth of plants, but unlike traditional methods, the necessary nutrients are not contained in soil. Traditional growing requires the soil to hold the necessary nutrients. These nutrients can be dissolved in water for the growth of a plant rather than in soil. The popular plants that have been grown with traditional methods can also be cultivated with hydroponic growing.

Hydroponic Growing Has Many Benefits

Water is scarce in many places and expensive in most places. Growing crops and plants with traditional methods requires water. Hydroponic growing uses water, but in much smaller quantities than traditional methods. Plant experts study the appropriate and necessary nutrients for different types of plants. The growers can then use these nutrients without soil to grow the plants. After obtaining the information available from the study of hydroponic growing, even amateurs can grow with these techniques. Many people spoil their plants by giving too much or too little water. This will not be a problem with this type of growing.

Hydroponic growing can be done in ordinary jars in limited space. This means that a person can grow a plant on the balcony of a small apartment or a classroom shelf. These methods can also be used on acres of land. There are different methods of hydroponic growing, but these methods all use the hydroponic nutrients without soil to grow plants. This type of growing can produce tomatoes, peppers and other types of plants. These techniques are used in many different countries including Israel, the United States, Nicaragua and Europe. Growers who are able to avoid the use of pesticides can produce plants which are very attractive to many consumers.

Hydroponic Growers

A Fundamental Guide To Hydroponic Growers

The term 'hydroponic' implies 'water working' and virtually the hydroponic system facilitates growing of plants with the help of water-based nutrient solutions. Soil is absolutely not necessary for this system. The application of hydroponics is based on the hypothesis that soil is totally not required for the growth and development of plants.

Since soil is nothing but the container of nutrients and a holder which grips the plant roots by offering the essential structure to stand straight. When you remove the requirement of soil, you are practically reducing the risk of soil borne diseases, while gaining an accurate control over the essential nutritional diet of the plants.

Benefits Compared To Soil-Based Growing

Since there is no soil, there is no risk for soil borne diseases. When hydroponic growers use this system, they can easily deliver exact amount of nutrients for the plants require in specifically the accurate proportion so that the plants can be grown faster with possible highest quality. Since the nutrients are water soluble, hydroponic growers in particular invest lesser amount of energy and effort during cultivation process as compared to the traditional growers. They even do not need to spread the nutrients in the soil or do not have to put effort in searching for highly fertile land for their cultivation purpose. In general, hydroponic growers enjoy the benefit of minimum space occupancy with this excellent system.

Variety Of Plants

Virtually hydroponic growers can grow a wide variety of plants such as tomatoes, peas, beans, lettuce, cucumbers and different herbs. These are, in fact, commercially valuable crops. Hydroponic growers, who are more interested in commercial benefits, choose what to cultivate depending on the market condition and potential profits.

Apart from that, many hobbyists, enthusiasts and professional hydroponic growers cultivate different types of flowers or fruit plants such as strawberries, carrots, asters, forget-me-nots, California poppies, chrysanthemums, dwarf zinnias, ageratum, candy tuft, and dianthus.

Significance As Business

The market of hydroponics is rising. If you would like to find your name as one of best known professional hydroponic growers in near future, you have to invest in purchasing equipment, and proper designing plans. Additionally, you should have outstanding management and marketing expertise. In general, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in purchasing healthy food. Needless to say, hydroponic produces probably have no better alternative. So if you are an enthusiast hydroponic growers with excellent marketing skills, you may further develop your passion to a successful business.

Hydroponic Grow Boxes

Hydroponic Grow Boxes: Beginner's Best Friend

Hydroponic grow boxes are the perfect choice for gardening beginners or enthusiasts. However, many professional cultivators also depend on hydroponic grow boxes for growing their crops with indoor setups. Typically, these hydroponic boxes are easy to use since they are available with plug and play features. Here are few specific features of typical hydroponic grow boxes.


Since light is essential for healthy growth of plants, so light is an integral component of entire cropping system. Hydroponic grow boxes facilitate full-spectrum lighting system, which is able to generate an optimum amount of lumens as necessary for appropriate photosynthesis. (A lumen is a unit of the perceived power of a light). This lighting system is simply perfect for all stages of plant development.


Typically, hydroponic grow boxes accommodate highly oxygenated nutrient solutions. This helps the roots and the plants to grow healthily and vigorously. In some cases, large sized aerator stones are used to ensure the availability of highly oxygenated solution. The healthy growth and development is highly influenced by the high content of oxygen in the nutrient content.

Hi-Tech Maintenance Facility

Almost all the hydroponic grow boxes are designed to facilitate hi-tech maintenance support for healthy growing of the plants. The side panel of these hydroponic boxes can be easily removed, which promotes an easy maintenance of the plants within the hydroponic system. Additionally, an advanced timer setup is attached to automate the lighting system.

Mounted Fan

A mounted fan is always attached to the hydroponic grow boxes. It helps in exhausting hot air from inside. Apart from the mounted fan, many advanced hydroponic boxes also facilitate a front fan for the purpose of exhausting hot air from internal side of the hydroponic unit. Additionally, a cooling fan is also installed which ensures a maximum possible cooling system.

Additional Accessories

In most of the cases, the hydroponic grow boxes meet the entire needs to set up an indoor hydroponic system. This is why a majority of the manufacturers of hydroponic grow boxes offers Rockwool cubes where the plants grow. In recent days, hydroponic boxes are available in different sizes and shapes, such as in the form of CPU of a PC.

With the benefit of advanced technology, hydroponic grow boxes are designed to facilitate ample light, but very less amount of heat. These advanced hydroponic boxes are extremely helpful when you are particularly interested in growing crops in limited space. Ideally and effectively designed hydroponic grow boxes help your plants to grow healthy and happy.

Hydroponic Greenhouses

Growth and Production Of Hydroponic Greenhouses

A hydroponic greenhouse is a specially designed enclosure for cultivating plants without using soil as the medium of growth. Hydroponic cultivation is instead performed by using water and nutrient-rich solutions for growing plants. Very often, essential nutrients required by a particular plant species are dissolved in water to make the growth medium for plants in a hydroponic greenhouse.

While in theory it is possible to grow a wide variety of useful plants (crops, vegetables, and fruits) in hydroponic greenhouses, more popular plants grown better in such systems include leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, raspberries, and strawberries.

Healthy Growth of Plants

Growing plants in a hydroponic greenhouse offers a number of advantages. Hydroponic systems do not use soil as the medium of growth and the plants grown hydroponically are mostly free from soil-borne diseases and pests. This certainly does not mean that they are entirely free from all plant diseases (water-borne diseases are always there). But on the whole, they have a better chance to grow healthier than soil-supported plants, provided that a healthy supply of nutrients is maintained.

Greater Room For Plants

Plants grown in a hydroponic greenhouse have smaller roots than those cultivated in soil. Thus hydroponic plants have a smaller volume than other plants and more individual plants can be grown in a comparatively smaller space when hydroponic greenhouses are used. Further, the absence of soil in a hydroponic system also saves a significant amount of space, allowing more abundant growths and larger harvests.

Efficient Medium Of Growth

It is a generalized misinterpretation of hydroponic systems that they run solely on water. While water does play a key role in the growth of many hydroponic plants, other growth media are also used. In some cases, water is not used altogether in a hydroponic greenhouse.

For example, tomatoes are sometimes grown in some hydroponic greenhouses in a substance known as ‘rock wool’ (a kind of basaltic rock treated with heat). Specialized varieties of sand, clay, and gravel are also sometimes used as growth media for hydroponic plants.


With all its advantages, the profit earned from hydroponic cultivation depends on intensive commitment to the system’s efficiency in terms of time, care, and understanding. Due to a high demand for the hydroponic production system, hydroponic greenhouses need to be closely monitored for timely and quality production.
Marketing plans also play a key role in maximizing profits from hydroponic production of plants. Hydroponic production on small scales usually has a better chance of profitable sales via direct marketing (i.e. selling retail at small stores or even at wholesale outlets).

Hydroponic Gardening in Southwest Florida

About Hydroponic Gardening in Southwest Florida

In southwest Florida, hydroponic gardening in on rise. Vegetable production with the help of greenhouse facilities is rushing forward in the state, as reported by different scientists and researchers in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Science under the University of Florida. The observed benefits of hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida is remarkable, since the consumers are becoming increasingly interested in higher quality specialized fruits and vegetables, and the farmers are ready to supply the same.

Increased Protection Of Plants

In fact, hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida is considered as an important segment of global trend as well as in the global market. The indoor production system used in hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida offers protection to the plants from the heavy rains and chill winter season. Quite obviously, by using hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida, farmers protect their crops from external damages, which are quite prevalent otherwise.

As we know, hydroponic system depends on water for delivering nutrients to the plants, this helps in minimizing the risk of infections and diseases that are derived from soils in traditional medium. This also, in turn, promotes a healthy and highly nutritional fruits and vegetables production, without any potential risks of hazardous chemical infection.

Increased Production

As suggested by UF research, the greenhouse production in southwest Florida began during late 80s. Many growers of that time took interest in small scale production. However, in the due course of time, the concept of hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida flourishes and more and more growers are taking part in it to complement large scale production.

Higher amount of production in minimum time frame is one of the most important reasons behind this increasing level of interest. Hydroponic gardening actually offers 10 times more productions compared to the traditional gardening system. This eventually leads to lesser labor and time involvement.

The Future Prospect

Hydroponic gardening in southwest Florida is continuously developing. A wide number of vegetable growers are participating into hydroponic production every day. The tenderfoots are coming with more financial strength and more market muscles compared to the smaller ones. The tenderfoots have the ability to negotiate contracts in order to supply steadily their produces to the supermarket chains. Since nearly last two and half decades, the concept of hydroponic gardening has been spread from the leading countries to Canada, Africa, Mexico, so Florida is continuously evolving their marketing technique in order to stay competitive in global market.

Hydroponic Gardening

Adopting Hydroponic Gardening As A Hobby

Gardeners who feel they need a new growing challenge should consider taking up hydroponic gardening as a hobby. The past thirty or forty years have been a growth period for this new way of plant growth and the rewards can be quite fruitful. This process of growing plants without soil can be quite a learning experience and there is some prep work to be done in order to get started.

Necessities For Plant Growth

Both soil-based and hydroponic plants require the same type of requirements when it comes to plant growth, except for the fact in how they are delivered. If you wish to succeed in hydroponic gardening, you need to ensure that you have all the elements you need for success. For instance, temperature is important; each type of plant has an optimal range of temperatures for which they thrive. You will have to create growing conditions which mimic the proper temperature needed for the best plant growth.

Water levels are important when it comes to hydroponic gardening just as they are important to terrestrial based plants. You should have a system in place which controls the water levels to ensure that the plants do not get too much or too little. When it comes to light sources, a huge amount of sunlight is often needed for growth. When it comes to hydroponics, chances are they plants are in an indoor environment, necessitating the need for intense artificial light sources to mimic the sunlight.

Oxygen is essential to plant growth and most soil conditions offer this, but with hydroponic gardening, you may have to use a machine which will add air bubbles to the nutrient mix. Carbon dioxide is necessary for the production of plant carbohydrates which serves as food for the plant. Of course, the nutrients are among the most important things needed for plants growing without the benefit of soil. Each plant requires different nutrient mixes so you would have to be prepared to segregate your plants to ensure that each type gets the nutrient mixture they need.

Materials For Housing Soil-free Plants

The "house" for your hydroponic gardening endeavors must be made of certain materials, or that the materials used can in no way leach harmful chemicals or substances which could interfere with proper plant growth. Cement or concrete is popular, but as it is porous, it must be treated with a type of asphalt with no tars or creosote substances. Glass is normally fine as is metal, but the metal material would also have to be treated with the asphalt as described above.

An aerator may be necessary to pump oxygen to the roots and a light source is also important and can be in the form of special lamps. As far as the nutrients go, you should really look to your local garden center that has an expert in hydroponic gardening to lead you to the right combination of minerals and other nutrients for your individual plant varieties.

Hydroponic Garden Piping Layouts

Using Varied Hydroponic Garden Piping Layouts To Grow Healthy Plants

Hydroponic gardening was once a fringe movement that not many people knew anything about. Today, in the days of over-farmed and over-crowded land, many farmers and gardeners are taking hydroponic gardening seriously and using this method to grow food and other plants with much success.

Hydroponic gardening is similar to regular gardening, but with one notable exception: there is no soil. When the soil is removed from the growing process, the plants do not have to concentrate so much energy on sending their roots out to find nutrients. The nutrients in hydroponic gardening are supplied directly to the young roots. The plants can then spend their energy growing up and out, and producing more fruit or flowers.

This ingenious method allows plants to be grown indoors, around the year, and in any climate. You don't have to worry about soil diseases or flooding, and pest interference is kept to a minimum. An indoor hydroponic garden is almost like a self-contained farm.

Different Methods Of Nutrient Delivery

In order to grow your hydroponic plants, you'll need a piping system to deliver nutrients. There are several types of hydroponic garden piping layouts that gardeners have found varying degrees of success with.

One of the most popular hydroponic garden piping layouts for small-scale gardeners is the drip irrigation system. In this layout, the nutrient solution is dripped into each plant container; it then trickles through the planting medium and is collected and recycled back to the plants. In this way, a steady supply of nutrient solution is provided to the plants.

Another of the well-known hydroponic garden piping layouts is a very simple concept: plants are started in growing medium in a small container with holes in or near the bottom of the container. Once the seeds have germinated, the containers are set into a reservoir that is supplied with a constantly moving source of nutrients. This is commonly a length of PVC pipe with holes cut into the top for the growing containers.

Experimentation Can Lead To Success

Both of these hydroponic garden piping layouts have their advantages and disadvantages. Some hydroponic garden piping layouts may work best for certain types of plants while other plants may prefer different hydroponic garden piping layouts. The climate that you're growing in may even have an effect on which hydroponic garden piping layouts are most effective. It's important for every gardener to try out several setups and see what works best for them.

Hydroponic Fertilizer

Shopping For Hydroponic Fertilizer Online

There are many different products that one can purchase when it comes to hydroponics, hydroponic fertilizer being one of the most important. Before one goes out and decides on any hydroponic fertilizer however, it is important that they are first aware of the art of hydroponics and what is involved.

About Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a technology that is used for growing plants in nutrient solutions such as water and fertilizers with or without the use of artificial medium. This would include anything from sand, gravel, vermiculite, rockwool, and coir to name a few. In other words, you don’t use soil in hydroponic gardening. In hydroponics, the essential elements are added to the nutrient solution. Hydroponic fertilizer is the most important and there are a few different kinds.

What Should Be In There?

First, know that nutrients in hydroponic fertilizer should be complete and should contain every essential element in order to ensure that the plants grow as healthy as possible. Fertilizer used in hydroponic growing should be pH balanced and buffered as this will help prevent the pH levels from drifting too high or too low.

There are a few major elements in particular which should be included in any good hydroponic fertilizer, and this includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. There are also a few minor elements which should be included as well, such as manganese, boron, copper, zinc, chlorine, cobalt, and molybdenum.

Powder nutrients are available for hydroponic growing and these are more concentrated than liquids and usually less expensive. The liquid versions are more popular however, mainly because they are easier to use. Liquid nutrients can be added right away, directly to the tank, without having to mix anything. Powders have to be mixed separately before adding to the tank and this makes them a lot less convenient.

There are many advantages that come from hydroponic growing and more than anything it makes the most nutritious and beautiful fruits. Growers all over the world are using hydroponic techniques for food production, and these plants are not only healthier but also they grow and mature faster. This allows growers to yield an early harvest of vegetable, herbal and flower crops.

Another one of the biggest advantages to hydroponics is that of the grower is able to automate the system with timers and remote monitoring equipment. This greatly reduces the time that it takes to maintain plant growth requirements and the growth environment and is easier on the grower, too.

Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponic Farming Eliminates The Soil

Most people assume that rich soil filled with nutrients is required to grow plants. They have viewed the rows of corn growing in Iowa and the cotton plants growing in Arizona. They look at the rich soil beneath these crops and assume that there would be no plants without that rich soil. These people would be wrong because the important part of the soil beneath these plants is the nutrients that are captured in the soil. Hydroponic farming has been developed by brilliant scientists to capture these nutrients in other ways to grow plants. Hydroponic farming can grow plants sometimes faster and better than normal farming by capturing the soil by alternative methods.

Hydroponic farming can grow most of the plants that are grown by traditional methods. Hydroponic farming can often grow these valuable plants faster and better than the traditional methods. Hydroponic farming is now used in many places that do not naturally have this rich soil filled with nutrients. The experts who have studied the methods for hydroponic farming are now using these methods in several different countries. Some of these countries produce millions of pounds of different types of food for use in their own countries and for export to other countries.

Hydroponic Farming Grows Efficiently And Economically

Hydroponic farming can grow many of the same plants as traditional farming, but there are some great advantages to hydroponic farming. This type of farming can save on water costs because crops can be grown using less water. Many people object to the pesticides that are used to grow crops with traditional farming methods. These people believe that these pesticides are never totally removed from the crops so people end up absorbing some of these harmful elements when they eat their fruits and vegetables. The lack of pesticides in hydroponic farming can add to the costs of the crops, but most people are willing to pay more for food that is free of these elements.

Farmers are currently using hydroponic farming on a large scale in many places in the United States. One farm in Arizona grows millions of pounds of tomatoes with hydroponic techniques. Farmers and scientists are also working to add special elements to the crops that are grown hydroponically. Some farmers have added calcium and potassium to the lettuce that they grow. Some of these farmers use greenhouses with hydroponic facilities so they can grow their crops throughout the year rather than at specific times when the weather is perfect.

Hydroponic Drip Stakes

Few Popular Hydroponic Drip Stakes

The use of drip stakes in a hydroponic system has great significance. It is effectively used in drip-watering system installed in the hydroponic system. Hydroponic drip stakes are one of the most essential pieces of equipment used by both professional and amateur hydroponic growers. In this article, we will shed light on few popular hydroponic drip stakes available in hydroponic stores.

No-Clog Drip Stakes

This is one of the most popular hydroponic drip stakes offered by Discount Hydro Shopping Mall. These hydroponic drip stakes are perfect fit for drip-watering systems. In these types of hydroponic drip stakes, a strong basket is installed. This basket offers a shielding option which enables prevention of cogs and buildups. Typically, their length is around 4".

These no-clog drip stakes are appropriately installed in growing rocks or rockwool cubes for allowing consistent supply of water. They do not have pressure reimbursing, so there is no possibility for clogging. These hydroponic drip stakes are perfect fit for ¼" tubing. Usually these drip stakes are available in the pack of 10 or 50. The set of 10 packs is available at the price of USD 4.95 and for the pack of 50, it costs USD 19.95.

Angled Drip Stakes

This is a product of Plant It Earth.com. These hydroponic drip stakes are imported from Holland. These tools are used in the marketable rockwool cubes and slabs. Installed to ¼" tubing, these drip stakes are fixed into the rockwool slabs. Angled drip stakes can also be used in traditional soiling system. It offers consistent solution and it hardly becomes clogged. The price of this product is USD 6.25.

Range of Three Drippers

A range of three drippers, Blue Fast Flow Drip Stake, 360° adjustable drip stake and low pressure 2lit/hour drip stake, is offered by Growell Company. These three hydroponic drip stakes are used for multipurpose benefits. The price of these three hydroponic drip stakes varies. While the 360° adjustable drip stake is costlier, the Blue Fast Flow drip stake is the cheapest one.

Basket Drip Stake

This is another excellent product offered by Plant It Earth.com. Similar to no-clog drip stakes, it is attached to ¼" tubing system and then it is fixed to the rockwool medium or the like. From the middle portion of the basket, water flows out. It is highly reliable and offers consistent solution. It is very unlikely to find this drip stake clogged. The price of this product is USD 7.5.

Hydroponic Disadvantages

Main Hydroponic Disadvantages

Hydroponic growth of plants offers some notable advantages, especially the degree of control exercised by the cultivator in order to obtain quality production from plant species of his/her choice. In addition plants grown hydroponically are mostly safe from various pests and diseases that affect plants grown in soil. Still, there are certain hydroponic disadvantages that a cultivator must know before starting with hydroponic gardening. Some of the main hydroponic disadvantages are listed here.

High Setup Cost And Time

The most conspicuous of all the hydroponic disadvantages is the high cost of setting up a hydroponic system of growth. The equipment required for hydroponic cultivation is fairly expensive as compared to that required in the traditional process of growing crops in soil. Also, setting up a hydroponic garden demands significantly more time than that spent in cultivating plants in soil.

Care And Maintenance

Caring for hydroponic plants is more difficult and must be done on a frequent basis, mostly on a daily basis. The maintenance of hydroponic systems also demands more time and effort than conventional forms of cultivation. Passive hydroponic systems are comparatively easier to maintain and are less costly than active hydroponic systems, and hence are recommended for beginners.

Steady Supply Of Power

One of the hydroponic disadvantages is the need to provide a steady supply of power to the system so as to keep the lighting, nutrient supply, and other power-operated elements running. In case of power interruption, a back up power source (like a battery) will be required for lighting and often times the cultivator needs to water the plants manually.

Technical Knowledge

An often overlooked disadvantage of hydroponic cultivation is the degree of technical knowledge of the hydroponic system. The healthy growth of plants and their maximal production depends intimately on the cultivator’s knowledge of the exact proportion of various elements that keep the plants growing normally. This includes knowledge of the right kind of nutrients and their adequate amounts for various kinds of plants, the best kind and optimum level of lighting provided in various stages of the growth of plants, and so on.


Growing plants hydroponically does not mean that they are safe from all kinds of plant diseases. While hydroponic plants are fairly free from soil-borne diseases and pests, water-borne diseases do affect these plants, especially in a series of gardens that share water and nutrient solutions.

Limitations On Plant Variety

Another one of the less conspicuous hydroponic disadvantages is the limitation on the variety of plants that can be grown hydroponically. While most plants can theoretically be grown in hydroponic systems, practically it is very difficult to grow certain varieties of plants, like strawberries, watermelons, and squash.

Hydroponic Crops

Organic Vs. Hydroponic Crops: The Debate

There is an ongoing debate concerning the benefits of organic crops and hydroponic crops. While the proponents of organic system believe that better outcome can only be achieved through organic fertilizing system, since it promotes the conversion of 'organic' contents into a useable variety for plants, the promoters of hydroponic systems discourage the concept since hydroponic growing systems result in higher growth. In addition, the quality of hydroponic crops is much higher than organic.

Eco-Friendliness And High Nutritional Content

We all are quite familiar with the fact that the popularity of organic foods is on the rise. It is mainly because people do like to purchase high quality organic foods which are not stained with harmful and unsafe chemicals. There is an increasing public awareness for the employment of the techniques which are eco-friendly with high nutritional benefits. Needless to say, hydroponic crops are perfect fit for this category, if used in appropriate fashion. Hydroponic growing system does not need soil at all, so there is no question of harming soil altogether.

When hydroponic crops are grown, less water is actually needed, though the system is entirely dependent on nutrient supply through water. The net production of hydroponic crops is much higher with less water. The fertilizers utilized in the hydroponic growing system are particularly untainted and put down no chemical deposits in the final products. A majority of the farmers prefer hydroponic system over organic ones mainly because of the reason that hydroponic system ensures higher production in lesser time and an advanced ecological impact.

Use Of Pesticides In Both Systems

The organic growing system fundamentally incorporates three norms. These are – (1) complete prevention of the use of pesticides; (2) accurate measurement of nutrient composition in the soil and (3) management of nutrient count depending on the 'buffer action' of humus obtained from the fertilizer. Many people buy 'organic' products with a belief that they are getting superior quality pesticide-free products.

Truly, organic crops are typically superior to and harmless than the crops growing in traditional manner, but modern hydroponic crop growing systems can set forth an equally harmless food product that in majority of the cases provides benefits in nutritional contents and richer flavor than organic produces. But, to the buyer, till date the label of 'organic' matters quite significantly. This is why so many farmers in the United States are putting their best effort to obtain an organic certificate for their crops.

Hydroponic Carrots

Traditional Vs. Hydroponic Carrots: Which One Is Superior?

In current decades, we have become more health conscious. A majority of our population realizes the fact that our food is posing a serious threat to our well-being. This is why we are becoming increasingly conscious about our selection of food and prefer to select foods which are rich in nutrient content and do not have any harmful chemicals in them.

Hydroponic foods have brought a revolution in growing food crops. In fact, hydroponics has become a future necessity for our survival. Similar to other hydroponic crops, hydroponic carrots offer an extensive range of benefits. Since we know carrot is rich with vitamin A and vitamin C, it is vitally beneficial for our health, especially for our eyes.

High Nutritional Benefit

Apart from that, carrots have high anti-oxidant properties, so a regular intake of carrot juice can help you to stay away from different degenerative diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, cardiovascular complications, and even cancer. When you are counting on hydroponic system, the nutrient quality of carrots can not be beaten.

Compared to traditional systems, hydroponic carrots are grown with an assurance of accurate measure of nutritional content. Since a regular nutritional testing is conducted in the hydroponic growing system, so it can be clearly defined whether the desired amount of nutritional content is present in the carrots or not. When the carrot is grown following hydroponic system, it turns out to be more lively and healthier since all the essential growth factors are available. In addition, undesired nutrient contents, for instance nitrites, can be easily kept away from the system.

Facility Of Automation System

Similar to other hydroponic growing system, in the production of hydroponic carrots, an automation system is enabled for the entire crop, which facilitates a timer, speculating the entire production duration. Automation virtually minimizes the real time in relation to the maintenance of the requirements to the plant growth.

Since hydroponic system eliminates the need for soil, so the production of hydroponic carrots can be produced irrespective of farmland. In fact, it can easily be produced at the greenhouse setup. Since the time involvement is much lesser, the production of hydroponic carrots needs much lesser running and maintenance costs as compared to the traditional gardening system. Additionally, it does not need any sort of digging or weeding.

The entire system needs a much lesser amount of water as compared to traditional systems, and the growing medium can easily be re-used. Furthermore, apart from the high nutritional benefit, people love to eat hydroponic carrots over traditional ones simply because of the outstanding flavor that can only be obtained from hydroponic carrots. So, by now you must have the idea which one is superior.

Hydroponic Cabinets

Hydroponic Cabinets Grow Wonderful Plants

Hydroponic cabinets use a unique growing technique to produce fantastic plants without a drop of potting soil. There are actually people who grow some vegetables in a corner of their basement or on a small balcony because they have a hydroponic cabinet. Most people assume that you need soil to grow some plants. Of course, that means that you have to have a garden, a farm or some containers with potting soil. Most people do not realize that methods have been developed by experts to grow plants without soil. People who would like to grow some nice fresh vegetables free of pesticides can do this if they have a hydroponic cabinet.

Hydroponic cabinets come in a variety of sizes so people looking to grow some plants at home can buy a hydroponic cabinet that will fit into their available space. There are some hydroponic planters that are small enough to grow some vegetables or other plants on a kitchen countertop. These planters like the larger hydroponic cabinets will grow the plants at any time of year. Although there might be piles of snow in the family garden, a hydroponic cabinet or planter will work in the home. People can grow fresh tomatoes, lettuce or peppers right in the kitchen where they make their salads.

Hydroponic Cabinets Come With The Necessities

Plants do not need soil to grow, but they do need nutrients. Experts have designed hydroponic cabinets with the facilities to supply the nutrients to the plants without using soil. The hydroponic cabinets usually come with plenty of information on growing different types of plants without the soil normally used. The plants grown with these techniques often grow just a large and more quickly than the normal plants in the garden or on a farm. Some of these hydroponic tools are equipped to guide the grower in the process.

Some of the hydroponic tools are specifically designed for certain types of plants. There are cabinets that are best for growing flowers while other cabinets are best for growing vegetables. These cabinets can be used to keep plants growing at different stages so the grower always has some plants or vegetables ready for use. You will not have to worry about too many peppers ripened at once. Some of the best cabinets are designed so an amateur grower will not have to worry about the roots rotting from too much water or the flowers fading from too few nutrients.

Advantages of Hydroponic

The Advantages of Hydroponic

The advantages of hydroponic systems are abundant. It is far richer than the traditional form of gardening. Apart from few disadvantages such as high initial set-up cost, adequate skills and knowledge, and limited hydroponic planting possibilities, increased risk for infection as a result of sharing unique nutrient solution, the advantages of hydroponic systems is truly overwhelming.

Less Infection Possibilities

Although one of the marked adverse possibilities of hydroponic systems is an increased risk for spreading infection due to sharing the same nutrient solution, the fact is that there is a much less a potentiality of infections even trespassing a greenhouse system weighed against to the amount of infections occurred in the system of outdoor gardening.

Assured Better Quality

One of the marked advantages of hydroponic growing systems is its assured better quality growing plants. The required growing time is also much lesser than normal. Quite obviously, it saves a great amount of time and labor, because weeding, fertilizing and digging are not necessary for hydroponic gardening.

More Environment And User Friendly

Since digging and the requirement of soil are absent in hydroponic systems, it is indeed a clean and tidy task to accomplish. In view of the fact that hydroponic system facilitates a controlled environment, it offers a consistent outcome almost all the time. Given that hydroponic system is within greenhouse, crops can be harvested throughout the year, independent of the weather.

Managing Accurate Nutrient Level

This is one of the most significant advantages of hydroponic system. While using the hydroponic growing system, farmers are able to manage the pH level as well as the amount of nutrient content given to the crops. For instance, the soil is typically very acidic in nature in the suburbs of Western Washington. This results in acidic flavored tomatoes. The scene is quite different when the tomatoes are grown using hydroponic system.

Higher Yield Per Acre

In hydroponic gardening, the farmers do not need to bother on rotating crops. It is mainly because of the fact that the feeding of nutrients is only dependent on water, but not on the soil. Since the space occupancy and the crop growing time are much lesser, the production is significantly higher in hydroponic growing system. Needless to say, this is one of the most important advantages of hydroponic systems.

Require Less Water

Although it seems like a paradox since the entire system depends on nutrient supply through water, much less amount of water is actually needed in hydroponic growing system compared to that of traditional system. Since there is no possibility that the water could be lost in the soil, the evaporation process is much slower since the water is trapped within a greenhouse environment.

How To Make A Hydroponic System

A Guide On How To Make A Hydroponic System

A hydroponic system is a very complex set up, and there is much information that needs to be learned about it. The process of learning how to make a hydroponic system is one in which there are many steps involved, so the person building it has to be very patient.

Getting Started

One of the first and most important things anyone learning how to make a hydroponic system needs to know is that the actual design of the system is really only going to be limited by the imagination of the builder. In other words, one can really go all out and create whatever type of hydroponic system that they want.

The next step in learning how to make a hydroponic system is to get together the necessary materials. These will obviously vary depending on what the builder wants the system to look like, but one of the most basic and necessary items is a standard tray. Remember that the system must provide means both to support the plant above the solution and to aerate the solution.

A person is able to make a more complex system with more expensive materials but then at the same time they can also make a cheaper version using anything from a child’s small wading pool to a fish tank or drinking tumbler.

An important tip to remember when learning how to make a hydroponic system, is that short plants such as lettuce and spinach will be able to support themselves and so these are really the best options to go with because they will have less risk of experiencing problems. Also keep in mind that there are some great hydroponic system kits available that one can purchase and which will be of great help.

There are also many great resources available that will be useful to anyone trying to learn how to make a hydroponic system, in particular those on the Internet. This is because with the Internet a person is able to browse through literally hundreds of different websites in a matter of minutes, something that obviously could not be done otherwise.

The best thing to do here is to go on a search engine on the Internet and type in "hydroponic system" and then the different available options will pop up. The most important thing to remember is that there are some really great options here that can help to give ideas and help with brainstorming.

How to Get Started In Hydroponic Gardening

Ditch The Dirt: How to Get Started In Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic gardening was once the dark horse of the hobby gardening world. It was usually seen as frivolous or silly by soil gardeners, since they couldn't really understand the reason to take the crops out of the soil.

There are several very good reasons, however, and gardeners and farmers around the world are starting to see that. There are new hydroponic farms sprouting every day, from America to Australia and everywhere in between. If you've ever wanted to experience the joys of soil-free planting yourself, you're probably wondering how to get started in hydroponic gardening.

Many Ways To Learn

There are a number of books available in your library or local bookstore that can teach you how to get started in hydroponic gardening. They can give you the basics of the practice as well recommend some products. However, it may be easier for you to learn how to get started in hydroponic gardening from an online community.

In an online hydroponic gardening community, you can have conversations with experienced gardeners and learn from their mistakes and successes. You can learn how to get started in hydroponic gardening from people who have been there, and later on share your experiences with other community members.

If you are more of a hands-on learner, visiting an existing hydroponic farm or even a small-time hydroponic gardener is the best way to learn how to get started in hydroponic gardening. If you find someone who is willing to take you through their setup and share their secrets with you, this can be a great way to learn.

There is really no substitute for seeing the methods and results first-hand. In exchange for the lessons, you might volunteer your time and your hard work to the farmer or gardener in question. They will probably appreciate the help, and you can pick up some valuable practical experience before setting out on your own hydroponic adventure.

In some areas, you may be able to find university or community college classes in how to get started in hydroponic gardening. The horticultural departments at many schools are embracing the "new" hydroponics, and this is the perfect way to learn from a master. Even garden centers are getting in on the action, so if you know of a garden center that uses hydroponic gardening, ask if they offer classes or lessons on the subject.

Help Beyond the Basics

Once you've learned the basics of how to get started in hydroponic gardening, you'll be ready to try out your new knowledge on your own. Any of the above methods for learning how to get started in hydroponic gardening should involve some type of support for after you get started, so take advantage of that and refer back to the source anytime there is a question or a problem.

How Much Does A Hydroponic System Cost

Learning About How Much Does A Hydroponic System Cost

Learning about how much does a hydroponic system cost is very important and something that everyone should be aware of especially anyone who is interested in getting into hydroponic growing. It is important to realize that when it comes to the question of how much does a hydroponic system cost; the answer is going to vary depending on which company the person goes to buy the system from.

Where To Look

Anyone who is interested in learning about how much does a hydroponic system cost should know that there are a few companies in particular that they are going to want to check out. The first is the Specialty-Lights Company, and they offer a wide selection of hydroponic growing systems. With these systems people will experience faster growth rates, higher yields, and increased nutritional value.

Another company anyone wondering how much does a hydroponic system cost will want to check out is House n Gardens. They offer hydroponic equipment for the garden and all at the lowest possible prices. Then there is the Best Buy Hydroponics Company which is another of the best. They are a discount hydroponics supply store that offers world class customer service with warehouse prices.

Besides hydroponics systems they also offer a variety of other products as well including additives and boosters, books and videos, fans and blowers, light bulbs, growing mediums, reflectors, pots, pumps, net cups, supplies, rockwool, guano, insect controls, and more. There are many advantages that come from growing hydroponically, and for one the foods are much healthier and not full of chemicals and other harsh products.

Get Your Mouse Clicking

Anyone who is interested in learning how much does a hydroponic system cost should know that there is some very valuable information out there that can help them with this and which will be extremely helpful. Especially for the novice who has not had experience with hydroponics in the past, this will be very useful.

The Internet is especially useful here because there are some great search engines out there that one can use here. The best idea is to find a search engine and then type in the appropriate terms which here should include hydroponics and cost, and then the appropriate answers will come up.

With the Internet a person is able to browse through literally hundreds of different websites in a matter of minutes and find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Homemade Hydroponic System

How To Make A Homemade Hydroponic System

Not all hydroponic systems adjust well to homemade designs. The hydroponic systems using drip heads need expensive supplements in order to become a full-functioning system. It is very likely that you will fail, but it is also true that all your failures could lead you to learn the system in a better way. In this article, we will discuss about making a homemade hydroponic system which is comparatively inexpensive as compared to the systems commercially available in the marketplace.

The Ebb And Flow System

In order to design and install the ebb and flow system in the homemade hydroponic system, you may use two inexpensive plastic storage totes, air pump and water pump used for an aquarium, a timer, short sized plastic tubing, and a pack of flood and drain fitting. The use of two totes is different. While one tote will be used as nutrient reservoir, the other one will be placed over the nutrient bottle by holding the plant containers. The air pump will be used to deliver bubbles to the nutrient reservoir.

On the other hand, a water pump installed in the homemade hydroponic system is specifically used for pumping up the water to a certain height. The plant pots will be loaded with clay pellets. You may also substitute it by using lava chip or lecca stone. At the bottom portion of the container, two holes of size ¾" need to be drilled. You have to install the flood and drain fitting and overflow fitting over there in these two holes. You can verify the usability of these fitting systems by allowing a short stream of water through the fittings.

Set The Timer

It is necessary to set the timer to the water pump installed in the homemade hydroponic system. It helps in managing the flood and drain cycle in an effective fashion. You need to fill up the nutrient container with 10 or more gallons of water based nutrient solution and then flood the plant pot a minimum of fours times a day with a half an hour duration in total.

As soon as the pump is started, the top reservoir will automatically fill up with watery solution. However, it will never go beyond the level of overflow. During this time, the plant roots absorb nutrient solution. On the other hand, as soon as the pump is stopped, the water based nutrient solution will be drained back through flood and drain fitting, while allowing the plant roots moist with nutrient solutions.

The flood and drain system is mostly used in the homemade hydroponic system. The popularity of this system is mainly because of the fact that the system is truly user-friendly and easily customizable. The potential outcome of this system is almost always reliable. The installation process of this flood and drain system is also very easy to deal with.