Hydroponic Crops

Organic Vs. Hydroponic Crops: The Debate

There is an ongoing debate concerning the benefits of organic crops and hydroponic crops. While the proponents of organic system believe that better outcome can only be achieved through organic fertilizing system, since it promotes the conversion of 'organic' contents into a useable variety for plants, the promoters of hydroponic systems discourage the concept since hydroponic growing systems result in higher growth. In addition, the quality of hydroponic crops is much higher than organic.

Eco-Friendliness And High Nutritional Content

We all are quite familiar with the fact that the popularity of organic foods is on the rise. It is mainly because people do like to purchase high quality organic foods which are not stained with harmful and unsafe chemicals. There is an increasing public awareness for the employment of the techniques which are eco-friendly with high nutritional benefits. Needless to say, hydroponic crops are perfect fit for this category, if used in appropriate fashion. Hydroponic growing system does not need soil at all, so there is no question of harming soil altogether.

When hydroponic crops are grown, less water is actually needed, though the system is entirely dependent on nutrient supply through water. The net production of hydroponic crops is much higher with less water. The fertilizers utilized in the hydroponic growing system are particularly untainted and put down no chemical deposits in the final products. A majority of the farmers prefer hydroponic system over organic ones mainly because of the reason that hydroponic system ensures higher production in lesser time and an advanced ecological impact.

Use Of Pesticides In Both Systems

The organic growing system fundamentally incorporates three norms. These are – (1) complete prevention of the use of pesticides; (2) accurate measurement of nutrient composition in the soil and (3) management of nutrient count depending on the 'buffer action' of humus obtained from the fertilizer. Many people buy 'organic' products with a belief that they are getting superior quality pesticide-free products.

Truly, organic crops are typically superior to and harmless than the crops growing in traditional manner, but modern hydroponic crop growing systems can set forth an equally harmless food product that in majority of the cases provides benefits in nutritional contents and richer flavor than organic produces. But, to the buyer, till date the label of 'organic' matters quite significantly. This is why so many farmers in the United States are putting their best effort to obtain an organic certificate for their crops.

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