Build A Hydroponic Grow System With A Fish Tank

How To Build A Hydroponic Grow System With A Fish Tank

The term 'hydroponic' came from Latin word, which means 'water working'. Hydroponic refers to the application of growing plants within extremely oxygenated water rich in nutrient contents. With the help of hydroponic grow system the quality of water is enhanced with high quality nutrient salts, producing the highest quality and balanced hydroponic nutrient solution.

It is a great idea to build a hydroponic grow system with a fish tank, since the plants used under the hydroponic system are supported with the help of a static soil free medium such as sand, fiber or stone, which are integrally very permeable for providing excellent preservation of air and water, which is absolutely necessary for the healthy living of both plants and fishes.

First Step – Wrapping Up With Aluminum Foil

In order to build a hydroponic grow system with a fish tank, the first thing you need is a 10-20 gallon sized aquarium. Now when you arrange it, you have to wrap all the sides of the aquarium by using aluminum foil. If you do not have aluminum foil, you may use any other opaque medium as a substitute of aluminum foil. The objective is to bar light, since it is necessary for preventing the development of algae.

Second Step – Using Air Pump

The next step to build a hydroponic grow system with a fish tank is to employ an air pump exclusively designed for aquarium purpose. It allows tubing in order to supply adequate airing for the roots of the plants. Additionally, it helps keeping the hydroponic solution level sufficiently low so that the two-third of the plant's root systems is rendered to the air.

Finding Hydroponic Solution

Before you try to build a hydroponic grow system with a fish tank, it is better to look for different sites offering hydroponic supplies. There are a wide number of Internet sites that list different premixed chemicals for preparing a hydroponic solution, which come in various brand names like Hydro Gro, DNF or Dyna. Apart from that, you may also look at your local stores.

Third Step – Giving Support to Plants

The third and final step to build a hydroponic grow system with a fish tank is to search for a non-transparent plastic cover to give the required support to the plants. You have to score holes within the plastic cover to make the required support. Typically greenhouse growers utilize 1020 plastic sheets that are brawny but can be cut very easily. The available size is 10" x 20".

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